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[Great White Band Picture]

Artist: Great White

Title: Can't Get There from Here

Great White Homepage

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Great White Can't Get There from Here Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1999

Label: Portrait

Catalog Number: VK 69547


Jack Russell lead and backing vocals, percussion
Mark Kendall lead guitar, backing vocals, percussion
Michael Lardie guitar, keyboards, backing vocals, percussion
Audie Desbrow drums
Sean Mcnabb bass
Jack Blades additional backing vocals


1.  Rollin' Stoned  4:08
2.  Ain't No Shame  4:19
3.  Silent Night  4:49
4.  Saint Lorraine  4:04
5.  In the Tradition  2:59
6.  Freedom Song  4:36
7.  Gone to the Dogs  2:42
8.  Wooden Jesus  4:23
9.  Sister Mary  4:54
10.  Loveless Age  5:22
11.  Psychedelic Hurricane  4:15
12.  Hey Mister  5:07
Total Running Time:  51:38

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Great White CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Great White are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Dragonfly Date: December 13, 2001 at 8:12
A good release. Standard Great White rock. I confess that after a few listens I have not picked it up in a long while.

From: Devil rider Date: March 14, 2002 at 7:09
The perfect sound to be riding your car and going to the beach. UP THE GREAT WHITE!!!

From: TIM Date: May 15, 2002 at 21:55
I sure hate to hear these guys are breaking up. I need to get their last album. I know it's a bunch of cover songs, but anything by them couldn't be too bad.

From: MIKE Date: May 22, 2002 at 23:26

From: Rocker76 Date: November 26, 2002 at 15:39
Amen Mike! Especially Great White - kick-ass band that was better than the 'category' they were lumped in!

From: Blue Tequila Date: December 10, 2002 at 3:45
I love the first four songs on this album. 'Rollin' Stoned' got quite a bit of airplay where I was and is the reason I bought the CD. 'Ain't No Shame' and 'Silent Night' are pretty mellow but great to listen to. And 'Saint Lorraine' is a good party song that sounds very familiar...maybe a hint (or more) of 'Once Bitten Twice Shy'? After that the songs start going downhill though. Maybe thats why I found it for $4 shortly after it's release. I certainly don't consider it one of their best.

From: patiscat Date: December 11, 2002 at 7:32
For me this is the best Great White CD. Great songs, cool production and Jacks awsome voice. I loved twice in the 80's and I love this one in the 90's. I hope for another one in the future you'll never know.

From: Big Papa K Date: September 14, 2004 at 2:55
I had a lot of hope for this album after hearing the single "Rollin' Stoned" on the radio quite a bit. Unfortunately, the rest of the album pales in comparison, but their are some other good songs here. 5/10

From: Geoff Date: September 18, 2004 at 23:42
If I reviewed this when I got it, I'd have said much nicer things. Hasn't really stood the test of (A very short period of) time. I really like 'Sister Mary', 'Ain't no shame' is a cool balladic track and 'Silent night' is a gem. 'Wooden Jesus' is a cool rocker. 'Hey mister' is cool too and overall it's a good rock album. Some great songs, but not really a great album...

From: Big Mike Date: October 11, 2004 at 12:30
Good CD. Pickup the version with bonus track "Good Die Young" if you can, the song kicks.

From: Date: April 7, 2005 at 13:52

From: poproxx2007 Date: February 13, 2006 at 16:37
This had the potential in being a monster rock release. They had a new label, John Kolodner backing and a high profile summer tour. "Rolling Stoned" had good momentum and "Silent Night" is hands down one of the best Great White songs of all time. There is something missing here and I cannot put my finger on it. 7/10

From: headbanger4life Date: February 15, 2006 at 0:47
I liked this one. To me, it's a more mature sounding Great White It's nice to see that these guys have stood their ground through the 90's. I have the Japanese version of this one with a bonus track. My favs off this one are 'Rollin' Stoned', 'Ain't No Shame' and 'Freedom Song'.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: November 17, 2009 at 20:36
What happened here???...nobody else has listened 2 this piece of history!!! GOD!!!...This album is as solid as as rock!!! packed with great songs such as "Rollin' Stoned","Ain't No Shame","Freedom Song" and "Gone To The Dogs"(this one is a blast!)2 mention some...Grab this if u can a.s.a.p.!.90/100

From: hair metal again Date: August 6, 2010 at 1:17
good release by GREAT WHITE.not so hard edged as previous ones but good ol hard rockin music .jack s vocals are still outstanding and the guitars are as hard as they want them.the songwriting is not so good as previous releases and i like the most the first 4 songs and esoecially the amazing "aint no shame".this one could be better but i consider it a good release

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: March 18, 2021 at 12:31
In 1999, there seemed to be some real momentum behind '80's-style hard rock. John Kalodner was making headlines with his new Portrait label, signing what he considered to be the best of the old bands (Great White and Ratt chief among them) to make new music. At the same time, new bands like Buckcherry, New American Shame, and to a lesser degree, Hair of the Dog were making waves playing traditional hind rock in the era of nu-metal. Lots of thirtyish folks were gleefully shouting from the rooftops that "rawk is back, duuuuude!" Great White were a good choice, since they always sounded less tethered to the '80's than a lot of other bands. So in that way, Can't Get There From Here delivers: this sounds like Great White. But they also sound ... kinda small. Maybe it's the production, which is a lot drier than in the band's heyday. The drums don't boom, the guitars aren't cranked to 11 (more like 5). They no longer sound like Zeppelin; more like hard Mellencamp or Petty—"heartland rock."

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: March 18, 2021 at 13:06
1999 was not 1989—no getting around that, and Great White didn't even try. The first single was "Rollin' Stoned," a good, catchy, upbeat song, but one that, with its "remember the glory days" message, fairly screams "WE'RE GETTING OLD!" All those bands said stuff like, "We're not living in the past," yet the first single from this new stable of old horses did exactly that. Some wiser types tried to pour cold water on our rock-revival fever, but we didn't want to hear it. But you really can't go back. The albums didn't sell well, and attendance at the multi-band package tours playing arenas was inconsistent, and bands who weren't playing partly-empty amphitheaters with Poison in the summer were playing dive bars on weeknights. Who really wants to do that at 40? Many of the bands were in disarray, and without the platinum success keeping them together, they began to splinter, Great White included. And so Can't Get There From Here is a decent listen, but also a product of an ultimately fa

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: March 18, 2021 at 13:13
... failed experiment. Lgetting back with an ex. It's fun for a while, and you convince yourself the sex is as good as ever, and try to ignore the storm clouds massing on the horizon. But it ain't like it used to be.

From: Auslander Date: March 19, 2021 at 1:19
Hilarious review, Doghouse. I wonder if time makes us see the "ex" sometimes with rose-coloured glasses, and forget all the fights and disappointments.

From: MetalPete1031 Date: June 9, 2023 at 15:07
Basically, this one was the classic lineup swan song. I say that because after this, tragedy struck and they would never be the same again. Yes, they did a couple more albums several years later (but they probably shouldn't have). As such, this one is pretty good. Although it's not the harder blues-edged stuff of old, it is still "good" rock music and I like most of the songs. Certainly, fans of "hooked" should pick this up. It is in every way superior to "Rising", which was a mistake that came years later (and signalled the true end of the classic lineup). You can pretty much stop your Great White collection after this one, although if you just can't get enough then "Back to the Rhythm" is probably worthwhile.

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