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[The Darkness Band Picture]

Artist: The Darkness

Title: Permission to Land

The Darkness Homepage

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The Darkness Permission to Land Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2003

Label: Atlantic Records

Catalog Number: 5050466-7452-2-4


Justin Hawkins vocals, guitar, synthesizer, piano
Dan Hawkins guitar
Frank Poullain bass
Ed Graham drums


1.  Black Shuck  
2.  Get Your Hands Off My Woman  
3.  Growing on Me  
4.  I Believe in a Thing Called Love  
5.  Love Is Only a Feeling  
6.  Givin' Up  
7.  Stuck in a Rut  
8.  Friday Night  
9.  Love on the Rocks With No Ice  
10.  Holding My Own  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular The Darkness CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from The Darkness are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Kristian Date: October 7, 2003 at 4:16
This is an awesome release. It's clearly inspired by the late 70's British glam rock. The singer has a very unique voice, kinda like Michael Flexig from Zeno. All the songs are really really good!!

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: October 7, 2003 at 6:04
Not half as bad as alot of people are making out everywhere .Lots of AC/DC inspired riffing everywhere and those vocals which seem to be pissing alot of people off,which are not half as bad as some of the 80's metallers that used to call themselves vocalists . The quality of the songs is good throughout, with the opening 4 tracks being of the highest quality, & 'Friday Night' being a good pop/ rock track (although it is very 'The Cure' in places). Give this half a chance and it will Grow on you.

From: Scandinavia Date: October 7, 2003 at 11:35
I don't really know what to make of this one...Hmmm. The Lizzy/Stones/ACDC inspirations are there alright & the vocals are peculiar enough to 'shock'...But is this just another Britpop offspin???? There seems to be a lot of Blur/Radiohead in their sound too...That worries me! But the obvious wannabe Angus Young soloing is enough to gain just a bit of respect in my world..HAHA...Some songs are okay. So far: 'Growing On Me' & 'I Believe In A Thing Called Love' are my faves...

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Whiplash1972 Date: October 7, 2003 at 12:29
If you could imagine Freddie Mercury singing for AC/DC,then you'd sort of know what these guys sound like.I admit,the first time I listened to this cd, I had tears in my eyes,because I was laughing so hard at Justin Hawkins falsetto vocals.The second time around,I realized how f'n awesome the music is on this disc.By the third listen,I found myself playing air guitar,and actually singing along in my best falsetto voice with Hawkins.This is a fun cd,with 'I Belive In a Thing...'being my fave!9/10

From: James Date: October 7, 2003 at 13:31
the vocals just plain SUCK. No matter how good the music is I can't stand it because the vocals ruin the whole feel for me. If you enjoy it that is great but not my cup of tea.

From: vandervelde Date: October 7, 2003 at 16:14
Woa!! What a masterpiece....maybe they are the saviours of rock'n'roll.....ATLANTIC sign this band!! maybe now it's time to rock the world again....... i like this from first spin.....i think this will be a classic soon....i see clip of this band in MYV between Aguilera and Spears crap, this very, very good sign, revolution coming!!!!....totally awesome music...vocalist is original not bad at all... now i like the most ballad Holding My OWn and rockin' Black Shuck.....

From: Carlomagno Date: October 8, 2003 at 12:00
Combining influences from Queen, Ufo, AC/DC and the Scorpions this is for me the best album of 2003. Give this band a try and you`ll be rockin hard!! Big chorus, big anthems !!98/100

From: Pierre G. Date: October 8, 2003 at 18:06
The vocals are terrible, the music is below average, avoid this album like the plague... Easily the worst cd of 2003 - 0/10 !!!

From: Great Dane Date: October 8, 2003 at 23:34
LOL. When I first heard this I thought, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS. I still do. BUTT I can highly recomend this. It is awesome to hear the energy from this band, No matter if the vocals are Spinal Tap. The music are superb. If a band would just make an album like this, with NORMAL vocals it would be great. Black Shuck is PHENOMANAL.

From: koogles Date: October 9, 2003 at 14:16
Pavlov's Dog gets a nu-breed makeover. The worst. Comparing this to Queen is an insult. I can sing better than Justin Hawkins. You can sing better than Justin Hawkins. The last awful karaoke singer you heard can sing better than Justin Hawkins. This is 2003's Andrew W.K. People will get all excited about it for 10 seconds, and then it will be over. Anyone who utters the phrases 'second coming' and 'next big thing': prepare to feel foolish this time next year.

From: Dean Date: October 10, 2003 at 17:32
Totally agree with Whiplash's comments on this one. The falsetto vocals had me rolling on the floor- but the music kept me coming back for more and now i love this disc-def. a love or hate band. Go to their web site and check out the video. Now that takes BALLS to do a video like that in these days of rap rock. The video is so cheesy that it rules. I can understand why people hate this but i think it kicks ass.

From: Great Dane Date: October 10, 2003 at 18:20
I Agree too. And thinking back on some of the lousy bands from the 80´s . Lets take Poison, The singer was awesome, but in my ears, and eyes, the band sucked, Sounded like girls, looked like girls, but nevertheless they made it. Here the singer sounds like shit (Sometimes), but the band sounds like everything, which was good back then. I really like this band. But then again, how the fuck did they get signed in the first place..... Black Shuck, Black Shuuuch........

From: Dean Date: October 11, 2003 at 18:10
It doesn't blow my mind that the band got signed but it does blow my mind that they got signed to a MAJOR LABEL!!!! for their debut. Watching the video makes you forget that rap rock ever existed. Bell Bottoms, long hair, skin tight body suits, paper mache boulders, giant lobsters,?????????? Just thinking of the reaction this would have got from Beavis and Butthead makes me laugh.

From: jaf Date: October 13, 2003 at 5:07
simply the best 10/10

From: Rick Date: October 13, 2003 at 23:33
Sounds like Tiny Tim singing in a rock band. Just plain aweful. Avoid the hype!!

From: Carlomagno Date: October 14, 2003 at 16:39
Damn people you prefer to hear to the White Stripes or La Mars Volta? This is an excellent debut and OOOps!! Number one in Britain!!

From: tiny tim Date: October 22, 2003 at 4:56
oh yeah 10/10

From: XLNT Date: October 26, 2003 at 14:39
This may be an incredibly hip CD, but I still think it makes like a vacuum cleaner. IT SUCKS – BIG TIME! Everything is taken over the top until it’s just ridiculous. “Love on the rocks, with no ice” must be the most insanely stupid lyric ever written. A few good riffs just can’t save this for me, so it’s another one for the shelves. “Love is only a feeling” was the only decent song in my opinion.

From: R4k3on3 Date: October 27, 2003 at 8:21
I thought the darkness were a phie of shit, until i actually listened 2 the album and i must say that i quite like this album (never thought i would heaer my self say that) I LIKE THE DARKNESS!!! No really truley good album 'i like it i like it alot.

From: Thewebguy Date: October 29, 2003 at 10:33
Glam is back...I have to agree with most of you...the album takes a couple of listens...then you say WOW what a great CD...

From: Larry Date: November 1, 2003 at 11:59
Yeah,this is a pretty solid album. I agree that it took a couple of listens to digest,but then album the started 'Growing On Me'. The music is apparently getting some mainstream exposure, which is good because it totally goes again the current shitty styles in popular rock: distorted flatulent sounding guitars, whiny vocals and hissyfit rants, thuglike 'rockers' that are looking for their inner negro, etc.

From: Jenni Date: November 7, 2003 at 2:56
It has grown on me for the past couple of days and the more that I listen to this CD, the more that I love it. I think the best song on it is 'Friday Night'. I agree with whoever said it sounds like The Cure in spots...especially that song. It just has a sound that makes me feel nostalgic. They are definitely unique and people need to stop comparing them to Spinal Tap because it's altogether different between the two.

From: Edu Martins Date: November 10, 2003 at 6:53
Im just listening this album for the first time now. i saw on a music magazine here a review saying they're the 'new sensation', a '80's comeback', 'they have a incredible Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot feeling', 'sounds like Motley Crue'... I think the people who did this review i read yesterday did listened the album. Im certain of that, cuase are the same people who said that Andrew WK is almost a Bon Jovi mixed with Kiss, and do a lot of rap and alternacrap reviews...

From: Edu Martins Date: November 10, 2003 at 6:54
Im just listening this album for the first time now. i saw on a music magazine here a review saying they're the 'new sensation', a '80's comeback', 'they have a incredible Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot feeling', 'sounds like Motley Crue'... I think the people who did this review i read yesterday did listened the album. Im certain of that, cuase are the same people who said that Andrew WK is almost a Bon Jovi mixed with Kiss, and do a lot of rap and alternacrap reviews...

From: Edu Martins Date: November 10, 2003 at 6:55
Im just listening this album for the first time now. i saw on a music magazine here a review saying they're the 'new sensation', a '80's comeback', 'they have a incredible Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot feeling', 'sounds like Motley Crue'... I think the people who did this review i read yesterday did listened the album. Im certain of that, cuase are the same people who said that Andrew WK is almost a Bon Jovi mixed with Kiss, and do a lot of rap and alternacrap reviews...

From: Edu Martins Date: November 10, 2003 at 6:55
Im just listening this album for the first time now. i saw on a music magazine here a review saying they're the 'new sensation', a '80's comeback', 'they have a incredible Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot feeling', 'sounds like Motley Crue'... I think the people who did this review i read yesterday did listened the album. Im certain of that, cuase are the same people who said that Andrew WK is almost a Bon Jovi mixed with Kiss, and do a lot of rap and alternacrap reviews...

From: Motley Date: November 10, 2003 at 11:59
This shit has nothing to do in here on this page. Goddamn this crap stinx!!!! Just that people in here bother to listen to this 'freshman-classed' crap is beyond me. Loose this band from the site please!!!!!Got nuthing to do with the music in here....Only the singer wants to improve his Nitro vocals....

From: Great Dane Date: November 11, 2003 at 2:45
But Motley, this is what hard rock/glam is all about. This is attitude, mixed with some good hooks, and some solid guitarwork. Sure the vocals are strange, but really Id rather listen to this than the out of tune squeals from AXL........and the never ending ballads from Aerosmith.zzz. Look what happened to all the 'fun' bands in the 80-90's. they turned into grunge....this is a fresh band with a funny attitude, and by the way, this band has every right to be on this site.

From: Blue Tequila Date: November 12, 2003 at 22:18
Picked this up yesterday and have listened to it straight thru 3 times now. Honestly there is not 1 song that I want to skip when playing this disc. The occasional Tiny Tim vocals are pretty odd. Koogles I agree with you about any of us being able to sing better than this guy but he's the one in the band and it oddly enough really gels with the music after a few spins. AC/DC, Queen, The Cure, early David Bowie--it's all here. And IMO it's a fun f**kin' album to listen to!

From: Motley Date: November 13, 2003 at 7:53
I'd pick Axl and Aerosmith by any change compared to this shit!!!!!

From: Jeff Date: November 24, 2003 at 18:12
The music is good be the singer makes Freddie Mercury look straight. What a pussy. Sing with some balls please!!!

From: Harvey Date: November 26, 2003 at 18:54
American citizens, I speak as a British hard rock fan of 20 years! These guys are taking the piss and the joke is making them so much money that they don't want to admit it. They have been shamelessly marketed as something 'new' by the British music press/ National Radio stations and, for some reason, given a major record deal. Buy AC/DC's Back In Black and forget about these imposters!!

From: Dusty Date: November 28, 2003 at 7:15
why negative?? At least they try to bring back real rock 'n' roll in a time where 990f the music is crap. They may not be as good as the music was back then, but it's a great relieve to see that the music still lives.

From: Christine Date: December 18, 2003 at 3:36
Please tell me this is a joke. The band is great, but where the HELL did they find the 'singer' (and I use the term loosely)? Yeah, he's got a range, but he sounds like Jim Gillette on helium - and I'm not exactly his biggest fan, either ('let's see, how many octaves can I hit in EVERY FRIGGIN' SONG??'). I wish there was a way to turn off the vocal track and just listen to the band!

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: December 18, 2003 at 9:32
Goddamn if it's not starting to grow on me too... I tried not to let it happen, please believe me I tried...but I kinda like it. The music's easy to like, good production, good hooks...but now I'm starting to get used to the vocals and hey, if it's good enough for PM Blair, it's good enough for me...

From: Rick UK Date: December 18, 2003 at 18:54
Just finished listening to an interview with Justin and the rest. Still not sure about the vocals but overall the darkness makes a big change from the usual 'head up their *ss' rockers that have been around lately. Okay like the guitar work and the songs rock even if the're completely over the top. Rumour has it that the next ablums going to be called 'lick my love pump' - Not serious but neither are they. It rocks and its fun what else do you want...

From: Edu Martins Date: December 24, 2003 at 18:11
This album is awesome. Great party songs and very good riffs and hard rockin drums. The vocals are VERY strange, in fact, but if you listen to this without compromising to find a new Ian gillan or Freddy Mercury, you will have lots of fun. I always laugh a lot with 'I believe In A Thing Called Love'. The vocals on the chorus for this one are hilarious... Anyway, i hope success and lot of luck to the guys. Its hard to find very good hard rock and glam rock bands nowadays.

From: ROB ROCK Date: January 1, 2004 at 17:12
This is what has been missing since grunge killed metal. Rock is back!

From: Bizkit82 Date: January 2, 2004 at 6:12
A bad Queen Tribute band + The Cure + The Tubes + The Knack = THE DARKNESS, which truly equals pure crap with corn. Unlistenable. Yeah, it's funny for 5 minutes but after that it could invoke random acts of violence. The production is alright, the band is tight, the songs are REALLY pop structured and well thought out, but the Cyre/Freddie Mercury wannabe really kills the whole idea. I wanted to dig this, but it was hard to listen to more than once. Nothing sticks in my mind. I say D+.

From: Bizkit82 Date: January 2, 2004 at 6:27
Double Platinum in the UK??? What?? Is that like 500 CD's over there? I think they've sold about 47 here in the states. This is that strange Benny Hill type English humor that nobody cares for here in the states. I don't get it, and don't care. The Darkness can stay over there and play all the silly little clubs they want and call it 'success.' Bu-bye....

From: Fat Freddy Date: January 2, 2004 at 10:26
I'm not sure what to make of these guys either. Are they supposed to be a Spinal Tap-style parody? Cuz if they are then it's pretty funny. If they're supposed to be a serious band, then it's pretty bad. I love British humor but this just leaves me cold. I agree with Bizkit, let'em stay over in England and play rock star, we don't want'em here!

From: Blue Tequila Date: January 2, 2004 at 12:54
Bizkit82 you might be on to something w/the not getting the whole British humour thing = dislike this disc. Some of my fav programmes are British comedies like Men Behaving Badly, Monty Python and Young Ones so that could be why I like this album. As of Dec 1st this album has sold a whopping 36,892 copies ( in the United States and thats pretty close to the number of people in the U.S. that enjoy British comedy...veerrry interesssting.

From: Bizkit82 Date: January 2, 2004 at 17:06
I like old Monty Python too, and Mike Myers brand of Canadian/British humor, but this Darkness sheee-ought is just not good. Like I said, I really had hoped to enjoy this because of the word of mouth on the street and such, but was WAYYYYY disappointed. I even went to their website and watched their Xmas song video. Didn't make it half way through it was so disturbing. I guess that's how you can tell when something is just really bad. 36,000+ copies in the US? I'd say we're not buying it here.

From: Mallorca´s rock Date: January 5, 2004 at 8:23
curioso grupo... influencias glam de los 70's... y esta claro, o los odias o los amas... o un 0 o un 10... yo por ahora les tengo simpatia, 6.5/10

From: Bizkit82 Date: January 17, 2004 at 18:41
OK, I take back some of my less than stellar comments about this band. Watched The Darkness live on MTV2. It was a half hour special taped somewhere in th UK. I have to say that these guys are serious about what they're doing. The singer actually sings like the CD. He can really hit the notes, plus he also plays almost all of the guitar solos. Interesting. I found myself tapping my toes and kind of digging it. 'I Believe in a Thing Called Love' & 'Love on the Rocks With No Ice' are standouts.

From: Trick Taylor Date: January 20, 2004 at 19:17
Quite the firestorm over this Robert Smith sound-a-like Cheap Trick meets Spacehog via 1985 pre-hair pop metal. I have the album, I like the album, but my only question is one of integrity. If The Darkness is serious about what they do then fine, push the envelope. If they are a parody trying to cash in on being weird, then go away. They may be the new future of pop metal. Remember, people said similar things about Alice Cooper. Time will tell.

From: Ribap Date: January 21, 2004 at 14:35
Nice music, cool riffs, but the falsetto shit i dont like it, anyway much better than the music coming out these days.

From: Howe Date: January 21, 2004 at 20:39
Not bad. At least Hard Rock returns to the charts... But are these guys better than most other bands of the genre? Honestly, I can't understand why so many bands are living in the shadows while others don't need to do much to have hordes of fans. The public is weird!!!

From: Christine Date: January 21, 2004 at 21:24
OK, I know I slammed them before, but I finally saw the video for 'I Believe...' on VH1 and I have to admit they're starting to grow on me!

From: Kevin Date: January 22, 2004 at 19:51
I thought they were a joke when I saw their 'I Believe In a Thing Called Love' video on MTV. I loved it because it reminded me of the 1980's. I then saw their 30 minute concert on MTV2 and was blown away. That prompted me to buy my first brand new album in years. I bought the album 3 days ago and it hasn't left my CD player. I really hope they bring back good hard rock and roll. I'd love to see more acts like this and maybe some old 1980's bands come back.

From: Bizkit82 Date: January 22, 2004 at 19:55
It was the live show on MTV2 that helped me understand as well. I would say a solid 7.8 on a 10 scale. I'd go see them if they went through my town. Ok stuff. Fun rock. Funny front man.

From: Date: January 24, 2004 at 12:14
Excellent realease. Buy it or die. If you still think they are taking the piss, you are wrong. They aint taking the piss and they have already stated that many many times and have become quite shitty about it. Get the facts straight.

From: Mr B Date: January 25, 2004 at 12:06
Ok, it's not the best debut album of all times, of course, but listen, guys: IT'S ROCK, not rap, not pop, not acid/house/electronic shit. And in 2004 this is a miracle! Maybe are the good times coming back? Perhaps is the drought finally over? Only time will tell, but my best wishes for The Darkness!

From: SpaceAce Date: January 30, 2004 at 22:05
A great trip down memory lane- the best part about it is that I can look forward to the futuer and not just the past. I invested a lot of faith in this band and so far I'm enjoying every moment of it.

From: TIM Date: January 30, 2004 at 23:31
This is okay at best. It's pretty lame and not even close to what hard rock is all about. Sorry, Great Dane- have to disagree.

From: Dean Date: February 2, 2004 at 13:32
Just looking at the comments on this page shows this band is on to something. A total love or hate band. Even a lot of the people who hated these guys at first are starting to like them. I really hope that maybe this and stuff like Robin Black will help bring back kick ass rock. Plus anything that pisses off a Creed or Limp Biscuit fan can't be that bad.

From: STeeVi B Date: February 5, 2004 at 2:16
The Album of 2003. Great band, great songs and they can still have a laugh. They are a breath of fresh air in an extremely stagnant pool of so called rock... and music for that matter. Granted not entirely original or groundbreaking but they so have that spark that's missin' these days.God bless you all who've stood up to be counted.

From: AOR freaky Date: February 5, 2004 at 5:40
Only joking, STeeVi B ? I hope it, cause this is a gimmich, a made and promoted product, only there to sell ! Keep your ears and eyes open, boys and girls ! There are thousands of more talented bands, but they don't have the support and promotion from a big company ! Money and support makes or brakes a band. This is the case with The Darkness !

From: Sean Date: February 7, 2004 at 23:05
how can anyone not like this band, they are the greatest thing for the last 20 years, now all people hav to do is make more of this, and anyone who ses that the vocals suck are just mental and shud be shot. (P.S.can anyone tell me 10 facts about Ed Graham the drummer from the band)

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: February 11, 2004 at 10:02
Okay, it's official. I really like it now. The melodies are contagious, and the band rocks. Sure the singer sounds a little different, but it's just fun music to listen to. Nothin' wrong with having fun the last time I checked...

From: Bizkit82 Date: February 13, 2004 at 3:14
At New Year's I hated this band. Went on their website and watched their Xmas video. SUCKED. A few weeks later I viewed their live show on MTV2. They were actually a hard rockin band and they sounded great. The crowd was goin nuts! Now after watching Real World on MTV, they play a snippet Buzzclip from The Darkness : 'I Believe in a Thing Called Love.' A Buzzclip! Now I'm almost brainwashed to the point of buying the CD. Thinking of going to Target and picking it up this weekend. Am I crazy??

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: February 13, 2004 at 8:53
I'm with ya Bizkit...must be some kind of subliminal messaging built into their videos...scary...

Heavy Harmonies Owner
From: Dan Date: February 22, 2004 at 0:16
Hadn't paid that much attention since glam isn't really my thing, but I caught their video on Fuse tonight. Darned if this isn't pretty decent. Yes, the lead vocals are an acquired taste, but I think I'll end up buying this one. Musically quite good, and the fact that *any* throwback-style band is getting mainstream attention is a good thing for the scene, IMHO.

From: Mattboy71 Date: February 29, 2004 at 13:54
It's so great to see a FUN band again. Music is supposed to be fun. The videos, the OTT vocals...all of it is working to piss people off, get kids playing air guitar in their living rooms and get them talking - positive or negative, it's all good PR. Amen. Rock and Roll! They are touring with another great (better) band, The Wildhearts. Soon, you lot will be talking about them. Catch their show if you can.

From: kristglam Date: March 5, 2004 at 16:33
este es un disco exelente,muy recomendable. hay partes que remiten a bandas de los 70s como AC/DC,SLADE, T.REX,QUEEN ,etc.

From: Coldpepper Date: March 20, 2004 at 18:00
This is horrible. Pointless guitars-I've heard it all befor. Just because it's new and gets press doesn't make it good people! My kid plays this all day and says 'Ain't this singer silly, Dad?' 'Yeah Jr. he sings like he's the new towelboy at the public bath-house.' These clowns don't deserve to be mentioned on the same parallel as Queen, AC/DC, And Thin Lizzy. As long as millions buy this shit the next generation of musician won't bother to improve on rock n roll, 'ain't that right Jr?'

From: The Fizzy One Date: March 20, 2004 at 18:59
Musically, slightly above average, and reminds me of '80's Kiss. THe singer is the gimmick here, and doesn't sound especially strong-voiced for all the histrionics. Kinda sounds like me or any other regular Joe trying to do a falsetto or sound gay. Freddie Mercury? No. Try Lou Gramm on uppers. Does anybody else hear some Gramm, especially in 'Love On the Rocks?'

From: Fizz Date: March 20, 2004 at 19:00
Overall, not worth the hype, even in this day and age. Plenty of other bands have done this same exact thing, minus the clowning and ten times better. Firehouse and Steelheart are just a couple of them.

From: TIM Date: March 20, 2004 at 19:52
Still in Fizzness? Glad to hear from ya. Send me an email.

From: Date: March 22, 2004 at 14:43
This album is fuckng brilliant!

From: Tony Date: March 22, 2004 at 23:06
I caved in & bought this finally. Really good AC/DC riffs with a lot of pop sensibilities. His voice definitely is a aquired taste but the only time it grates to me is on 'I Believe In..'. I'm sure the Bee Gee's voices seemed laughable in the 70's too. The solos are actually pretty tasty too. Imagine that, SOLOS in 2004. 'Black Shuck' is more AC/DC than Ac/DC has been in years! If this disc gets more attention paid to the music we love more power to these guys.

From: JACK Date: March 29, 2004 at 6:11

From: STEVE Date: April 20, 2004 at 15:09
Iv'e listened to these guys a few times trying to give them a chance but it's sure as hell not growing on me. It got some killer guitar riffs that remind me alot of AC/DC but this guy can't sing and taking the band down with him. These guys aren't bring rock back if anything there pushin it in the wrong direction. only song i liked was I believe in a thing called love, not worth owning the album.Axel,Steven tyler, Bon Scott,brian johnson,sebestian bach just to name a few that's real talent.

From: JACK Date: April 30, 2004 at 5:14

From: Elton Braga Date: May 19, 2004 at 16:52

From: NIGHTWING Date: May 20, 2004 at 13:35

From: Uncle Salty Date: May 29, 2004 at 7:43
Great album, no matter what others say. In a world with so shity bands like the Strokes and other fake bands, it's great to see how a Hard rock band is able to put his album at the top of the charts. I believe in a thing called rock.

From: meradona Date: May 29, 2004 at 15:56
Lo he escuchado 3 o 4 veces y no me llama la atencion nada, no se si darle otra oportunidad, pero creo que mucho ruido y pocas nueces. Lo siento para mi 4/10

From: MelodicBoy Date: June 6, 2004 at 2:40
Love 'em or hate 'em, but be aware that the mighty 'Mutt' Lange is apparently signed on to produce their upcoming second CD. We all know his track record, don't we? I believe their next one will be an absolute MONSTER, and clearly the label believes in them to put out the kind of cash to bring in Mutt. Hide the women and children, the Darkness may be here for a while.

From: Big Papa K Date: June 13, 2004 at 0:10
The so called 'saviors of rock'. The vocals on this album are really not too hard to handle if you listen to Queen or a lot of Power Metal. Even if you don't like the vocals, there is no denying the quality of 'I Believe In A Thing Called Love' and 'Growing On Me'. The second half is pretty weak, but an interesting debut. I can't wait to hear their work with Mutt Lange. 5/10

From: mj Date: June 14, 2004 at 11:54
What a pile of fucking shite! Overrated bigtime.

From: dd Date: June 14, 2004 at 11:57
How can you compare justin arsehole hawkins to m flexig????

From: IHateThisBand Date: June 16, 2004 at 16:06
Sounds like Tray Parker from the voice of south park doing some hard rock stunt instead of cartoons.

From: Gabriel Alves Date: June 17, 2004 at 5:15
Although I have listened to only one or two songs from this guys, it´s good to see that rock bands are back to the mainstream!!! I hope they open up the doors to other hard rock bands hit the big waves!

From: Scott Date: June 22, 2004 at 14:50
Of all the comments about, this is probably the most pertinent, 'This is a fun cd'. I agree! Stop analyzing it and just ROCK! It's just fun!

From: Scott Date: June 22, 2004 at 14:51
Of all the comments above, this is probably the most pertinent, 'This is a fun cd'. I agree! Stop analyzing it and just ROCK! It's just fun!

From: DE Date: June 24, 2004 at 17:40
Bought this CD and traded it the next day! WAY overrated!

From: sambora Date: July 10, 2004 at 12:53

From: jason (FA-Q) Date: July 10, 2004 at 16:43
I hear alot of people don't like this band because of the singing, but if they're so shitty then why all the attention? Just look at all the posts here on this thread. Good God! Now I've just posted a comment on this thread. Well, The Darkness is a rip off of Queen, but they have pretty good guitar riffs. The thing is though, it looks like Justin is going to be bald in a few more years, and if you wanna be a 'glam' band, you need HAIR! HA!HA!HA!

From: rocknroll Date: July 13, 2004 at 19:50
This is rocknroll. Some kind of british guns n' roses I like almost every song in this cd. The vocals 'are in a acquire state' for sure but so IS vocals of AC/DC. Both rule

From: wicked man Date: July 16, 2004 at 5:25
I wouldn't even compare The Darkness to AC/DC. They are waaaaay overrated band, but actually quite enjoyable. I like them, but there are thousands underground bands which can make better music than The Darkness. Hope that the music business will open its eyes to the rock scene again and people will forget easily The Darkness, except for the vocals

From: MelodicBoy Date: July 19, 2004 at 1:22
Apparently, Mutt is NOT on board for the follow up CD. That was the word, now they're saying Roy Thomas Baker is producing the second one. That's disappointing, apparently Mr Twain is too busy with pop country music to delve into hard rock anymore.

From: DANTE Date: July 20, 2004 at 7:43
Anteayer los vi en Valencia, y que quereis que os diga a mi me parecio un grupo excelente con un gran frontman y mucha actitud,si a esto le unes los efectos pirotecnicos da como resultado un gran concierto de rock digno de los dorados 80. Tenia curiosidad por ver si Justin podia plasmar en directo todos los falsetes del album y vaya si los plasma!!! pero sobrao va el tio!!!! en resumen un gran y divertido concierto por lo menos para mi y mi colega. A todo esto a mi el disco me gusta cada vez mas

From: SAMBORA Date: July 24, 2004 at 23:04

From: Poderoso Yiro Date: August 1, 2004 at 18:28

From: Jesse Date: August 7, 2004 at 15:19
Someone tell me what the big deal is about these guys. Singer is absolutely terrible and spoils the entire album. Overall, these guys are nothing but a rip off of practically every 80s band out there and especially Whitesnake. If you people can honestly tell me that anything by these guys is better than that of Poison, Motley Crue, or anyone else from that time, I'd like to see. Everything is derivative except for the band name and perhaps the album name. It's all been done before...they're not

From: Blue Tequila Date: August 7, 2004 at 15:28
Whitesnake, eh? There's a band I would't have thought of as a comparison. My opinion hasn't changed, I still like this album. But the jury is still out on the band itself and their follow up I think will be the album that makes or breaks these guys.

From: jack Date: September 7, 2004 at 3:58
Jesse,these guys have nothing better than poison or motley crue. The singer is not even half as good as vince neil,john corabi or bret michaels. The guitarist is better but nowhere near the calibre of mick mars or cc deville. These guys are just nonsense.

From: TIM (2) Date: September 7, 2004 at 6:16
I saw these guys support Def Leppard about 18 months ago, and everybody just stayed in the bar. Those that watched them only did so in order to piss themselves laughing at the freakshow on offer. All of their songs were new then of course, and they were roundly booed at the end before everyone chanted for Def Leppard before they'd even finished their set. Several million album sales later, now which band are people laughing at?

From: Wotty Date: September 7, 2004 at 6:57
What you have to think about is,1]Are they serious??? 2]Are they taking people for mugs??? 3]This is a way to get the teen market into rock,and 4]A novelty element that is not dance connected,in a blatant attempt to make money..Make up your own mind....

From: The Revenger Date: September 7, 2004 at 8:40

From: Wotty Date: September 7, 2004 at 9:33
To Jack.I know the situation with The Darkness is probably old hat,but have you heard of the Sex Pistols,Great Rock n Roll Swindle,it makes you think,doesnt it?????

From: Wotty Date: September 7, 2004 at 9:36
But if they are successful,they done their job well.....

From: Geoff Date: September 8, 2004 at 0:24
A ridiculous CD, this is. Like everyone else I collapsed to the floor with laughter when I first heard them - could not believe it. It is the worst rock I have ever heard, the vocals unimaginably bad. I know it's gimmick, but when you see videos for 'Love is only a feeling' you have to wonder. They look too serious. Basically, I admit I don't mind 'Growing on me' and even (without the vocals) 'I believe in a thing called love', but the rest is hookless, AWFULLY played rock with atrocious vocals.

From: Rockhead Date: September 8, 2004 at 4:52
I have to disagree with Geoff on this one, if anything this is an album of hooks with no meat on the end. This is catchy stuff that like it or not sticks in your head for weeks (bloody thing). Get your hands off, Black shuck and the aforementioned tracks are all annoyingly hooky. I actually don't mind this-they are definately taking the piss and unlike Spinal Tap or Bad News the sound and songs are more memorable

From: Kip Date: September 13, 2004 at 6:15
When I first heard these guys I had downloaded the CD because the link on my screen said those who downloaded Scorpions Unbreakable also downloaded The Darkness. So I tried them out. This was months ago just as they were getting big in the US. I had no idea the were new, mainstream rock, and my first impressions were - 'Ugh, is this a NEW alternative band?!' Well, its new but not alternative, and after awhile the music has grown on me and I enjoy the album. Not a whole LOT but I do like them.

From: rocknroll Date: September 29, 2004 at 5:22
I'm still hooked to this album. Saturday night I sang 'i believe a thing called love' in a private party with the help of a console (some kind of karaoke with the original voice behind) and it was really really fun to sing this. I own permission to land and it rocks. Almost every song is a hit. I have to agree with some of you guys, i started laughing too, but I have to admit that I was wrong. Can you imagine in the early 70's when AC/DC arose to the music scene...

From: Charlie Date: October 6, 2004 at 18:58
This is the most brilliant insanity I've ever heard. I'm an old man and have been buying and listening to hard/pop rock forever. This could'nt have come at a better time. What an AWESOME debut album! I've also seen them live and they RRRROOOCCCKKK!!!!!!! Only time will tell how good these guys are. I hope they continue to DO THEIR THING, because most of todays music...FLAT-OUT BLOWS....Congratulations to THE DARKNESS, for an incredible, and in my opinion TIMELESS album.THIS IS GREAT FUN!!!!!!!!!

From: SteveT Date: December 12, 2004 at 8:13
Didn't like them on first listen, as stated elsewhere the vocals killed it dead for me. brother got me a ticket to see them at Wembley last night and they were AWESOME. Amazing live show...I was blown away. Having seen them live I can now listen to the album and appreciate it. Musically it is great and always has been but I now listen and hear the vox as part of the whole instead of singling them out. Great band, great sound...good album. 8/10

From: alex Date: January 7, 2005 at 13:34
o lot of guys here wrote that everything is fine except the vocals. i think that vocal is one of the best thing on this record. guy sing as asshole, but IT WORKS !!! really works ! he sounds like he had balls in his own ass when he recorded music is great. pure rock. this kind of music i have been missing so long .... it could be soundtrack to the seventies, recorded in new millenium !!! great work and i am looking for new record !!

From: Nick C Date: January 28, 2005 at 16:21
Great fun! I think that most people who dismiss it straight off are going more off the bands image. Give it a few listens and you'll discover that it is a good record. Can't make my mind up on the bands shelf life, I hope they run for a few more albums yet. I won't necessarily run out and buy any new stuff but it's good to have bands like this around...It's an experience being in a usually subdued pub and then this comes on and everyone is putting on falsetto voices and shouting motherf*cker!

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: January 28, 2005 at 20:06
Okay, it's been about a year since my last post in this thread and I still like 'em. The hooks are there, I would honestly have trouble not liking it just for that fact alone...long term ownership and I still like it and play it with some regularity.

From: Erik Date: January 29, 2005 at 2:39
The voice is just bad. Just for that only you should avoid this album. Come on people if you think this is good singing then your just like all the others and following the hype ( undeserved as hell as the songs IMO are nothing special at all ). Plain songs and the vocals just SUCK big time. If you like this type of music tho then listen to Wig Wam. They do it a 1000 times better. Nuff said.

From: Dean Date: January 29, 2005 at 17:33
Oh sorry Lord Erik-since you don't like them i will toss the cd away and declare it rubbish ASAP-I've never been accused of 'following the hype' before-thank you for showing me the error of my ways Sir Lord Erik. I suppose all the other singers i like also are garbage-like Warrel Dane, old Geoff Tate, Jeff Scott Soto, John Arch, Freddie Mercury,etc. Nuff said, my ass.

From: Erik Date: January 31, 2005 at 11:29
Well King Dean there is a first time for everything right. And when you start comparing this sorry excuse for a singer to Jeff scott Soto or even Freddy Mercury i really cant take your comments serious. Are you on something ? get a grip of yourself man !

From: BIG-TIME Date: February 13, 2005 at 10:31
This band Are Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, vocals Crap, guitars crap, this band are nothing like the other bands on this site. Just plan Crap and for the people who like this band, have no taste in rock music probably teens of today who have not heared bands like Firehouse, Hardline, Babylon AD, Valentine, Autograph.

From: Snarky McNuts Date: February 14, 2005 at 8:40
your grammar "are" BIG-TIME crap, crap, crap. Bet you never "heared" that before... AOL is for people who have no taste in internet.

From: BIG-TIME Date: February 15, 2005 at 16:14
Bet you like this band you no taste waste of time.

From: Snarky McNuts Date: February 16, 2005 at 7:58
mebbe so, but at least I don't smell like arse.

From: Papa Knows Date: February 16, 2005 at 14:49
Like I always thought... Just another fashion from the pathetic English media!

From: Date: February 17, 2005 at 11:56
How sad is Snarky McNuts insulting me with that rubbish, his name says it all about this sad lonely creature, PATHETIC. Listern to some REAL rock bands like Dame Yankees, or FireHouse.

From: Metalhead66 Date: February 17, 2005 at 12:18
Is this a Parody,or is it Genuine? I don't know...They certainly can play...and the voice,well it's very aquired taste to say the least!I'm still not sure...I guess I'll have to wait until the next release..till then approach with an opened ear!

From: Nick C Date: April 20, 2005 at 20:44
I commented earlier...I love reading this string as some of the comments are so funny. The problem is Justin Hawkins can be a bit of a dick and his big headed comments don't endear him to many. But having seen the band a few times I've enjoyed each gig,I had a laff and went home smiling. So how can that be wrong? Music is after all entertainment and these guys entertain. Still unsure about their shelf life though. Who would you rather go and see some sorry arsed EMO band or these?

From: jb Date: April 21, 2005 at 1:34
I saw this band doing a show live tonight on tv. Had to go back 2 years to Tim's comments in 10/03 but he summed it up better than I can. Tiny Tim doing rock. Should have stopped with Tiptoe Through The Tulips. If you don't know what I'm talking about you are too young, dumb and stupid and just buy the next Chevelle CD.

From: jb Date: April 21, 2005 at 1:52
To all who think that this band is the next coming of Guns-N-Roses, I can only pray that there is another Nirvana to save us all. If you only knew how much I hate Cobain and Nirvana, you would know what a fucking joke this band is.

From: Priest On E Date: April 9, 2006 at 19:19
This is an awesome CD. Stop complaining cos its got Justins vocals! At least it sounds fresh while at the same time reminiscent. Fuck you Motley! Stop livin in the 80s, this band does desreve a place on this site...all my freinds who are into modern rock crap hate this stuff, which is always a good sign. They're still slammin the 'cliche'. Whatever, don't talk bollocks. This band is going to take over the fuckin world! you wait and see...get GROWING ON ME, GIVIN UP, FRIDAY NIGHT,fuckin rocks man

From: Metalmusicman Date: January 7, 2007 at 15:54
I hate to admit it, but I really like this one. I didn't want to, believe me. I fought this kicking and screaming. It's just so ridiculous and the vocals are soooo bad, but the music is so damn good!!! It's infectious and I can't get the sh*t out of my head. This is a great fun time rock record meant to be played loud at partys. Sure it's cheesy as hell, but like I said the song are just so well crafted and so damned infectious you just can't help yourself. Shame to say, but it's really good!

From: edwithmj Date: August 12, 2008 at 18:37
Agreed with Metalmusicman! I really wanted to hate it and avoided it for so long but after seeing it for a pound in a charity shop i gave it a chance and was blown away. The music is unbelievably cheesy but Friday Night is too good to ignore! 9/10

From: WookieEnthal Date: July 10, 2009 at 2:07
This is not a great disc but I can't help myself for liking them...just too much like Queen to dislike.

From: onemorecast Date: November 17, 2009 at 10:05
really a good hard rock cd. the songs are all pretty good. just have to get past the high voice of the singer. Wig Wam is a similar band but with a better guitarist and singer.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 11, 2011 at 21:04
More than great or something else i think this is simply compare this band with Queen is kinda outta place but i do respect opinions...probably here and there you can listen to some Queen-ish moments but nothing to do with them if you are talking about extremely music links...another point is the high pitch in Justin's kinda singing...quite impressive...about the songs,i like these ones:"Black Shuck"(Rocks),"Growing On Me","Love Is Only A Feeling"(nice),"Stuck In a Rut","Friday Night"(great!,a nice one indeed!),"Love On The Rocks With No Ice" & "Holding My Own"(another really nice one)...pretty recommendable if you are open minded,because this band is a kind of band that can be loved or hated...90/100

From: Doug Date: May 12, 2011 at 15:38
Last post from "Rick Kerch vzla," man, I REALLY tried to be open minded, but just can't seem to get into it. The vocals are just way too distracting. To each his own I guess.

From: steve72 Date: January 16, 2012 at 3:06
So many serious folk here! They are a real polarising band. I get why people don't like them, but it's their loss. Best band to come outta the UK since The Wildhearts. They just rock and fly in the face of all the current trendy rock things happening (ew, a bit of sick in my mouth). They embody all the good traditions of rock, past and present... all served up with a healthy sense of humour. It took me a while to get into it, but when it hit... it hit hard & stands the test of time.

From: pie75 Date: April 15, 2012 at 6:42
this band polarises opinion don't they? i have to admit i thought they were stupid when i first heard them couldn't stand the vocals but i found it in a $2 bin and thought what the hell it grew on me! the vocals are tolerable after a while the first six songs are cool(though get your hands of my woman is kind of silly) but it does teeter of the last few songs the ac/dc style riffing got me,guys don't take this band serious i'm sure they don't

From: hair metal again Date: May 20, 2012 at 2:55
excellent hard rock debut by THE DARKNESS and from the start you can see easily the personal sound and way of sounding of this band!unique vocs,clever lyrics,many hooks and memorable songs is what you get !all the songs are very good and i really like this mixture of hard rockin sound,commercial hooks and a kind of classic thing!brilliance!

From: Singularity Date: June 4, 2012 at 10:39
I already liked their music before, but I saw these guys open for Twisted Sister a couple of days ago and they FUCKING ROCK! A friend of mine actually didn't like them before, but after seeing them live, she loved them. So if they're playing anywhere near you, do yourself a favor and DO NOT MISS OUT!!! The album gets a 94/100, but their live show gets a 110/100 from me.

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