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[Shadowman Band Picture]

Artist: Shadowman

Title: Land Of The Living

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Shadowman Land Of The Living Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 2004

Label: Escape

Catalog Number: ESM-098


Steve Overland Vocals
Steve Morris Guitars
Chris Childs Bass
Harry James Drums,Percussion


1.  Those Days Are Gone  
2.  Medicine To Me  
3.  Touched By An Angel  
4.  Gypsy Heart  
5.  Land Of The Living  
6.  Shelter Me  
7.  Count Me Out  
8.  How Does It Feel  
9.  Waiting For The Good Times  
10.  Wild Waters  
11.  Silver Lining.  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Shadowman CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: peter poland Date: March 4, 2004 at 5:27
Great new release from Steve overland a co. All track are amazing, Steve's voice is perfect as always. U have to buy a copy. Some perfect ballads included, just check out Touched by an angel, or Silver Lining. I can wait to FM reunion (the Ladder project) 10/10

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: March 4, 2004 at 11:57
Great to have the Mighty Mr.Overland back, and fine form he is in, perfectly showcasing his superb vocal ability. Ably backed by the Thunder boys and Heartlands Steve Morris, This set comprises 11 songs of very high quality. Check out opener 'Those Days Are Gone' for a taste of what's to come. Guaranteed of a high 'favourites' position at the end of the year. Excellent.

From: AOR freaky Date: March 5, 2004 at 7:10
Great AOR record. Nice songs, nice playing, nice voice ! Only releases by Seventh Key and above all the new Dakota : Deep 6 beat this one ! Recommended !

From: GlenRavine Date: March 5, 2004 at 7:36
After one spin - wasn't a fan - after a couple of more - hasn't left the CD Player. It has grown on me - great tunes - very AORish - highly recommended. But do give it a spin.

From: Tony Date: March 19, 2004 at 18:00
Oh my god, can´t get enough of this record, get´s better and better the more you listen to it. A must have!!!!!

From: Chris Date: March 25, 2004 at 13:20
What a brilliant return for a much missed voice.Land of the living & Wild waters are two of the best songs Steve Overland has ever sung!!!

From: Gabi Date: April 9, 2004 at 3:30
Interesante proyecto de Steve Overland con gente de Thunder y Heartland.AOR muy británico con una producción excelente.La voz de Steve (excepcional como siempre), suena algo mitigada, parece que ha perdido el timbre de años atras. CD muy recomendado.

From: Dave Date: June 19, 2004 at 21:30
The more you hear it the better it gets but it is not worthy of a 9.6 rating , more like a 7.5 {GOOD BUT NOT GREAT}

From: Dave Date: August 27, 2004 at 7:19
This album is getting better and better with each listen.Up to a rating now of 8.5 {BLOODY GOOD}

From: Geoff Date: September 5, 2004 at 21:02
The first track is awesome, and the last one is a great closer too. In between there are some decent tracks, but way too many filler-type ballads for my liking. Don't agree at all with the high rating above, though it's a decent AOR album... just heard MUCH better.

From: MelodicMan Date: September 5, 2004 at 21:06
I agree with you Geoff, to much overrated IMO. Perhaps, a good hard/aor album, but track 2 did much more for me than the others. Steve Overland is the highlight, of course.

From: TIM (2) Date: November 29, 2004 at 3:14
Surprised at the luke-warm response to this, as it's a killer melodic rock album. Overland sounds as good as I've ever heard him, and so it's a little heavy on the ballads but when they're this good who cares? The absolute highlight is the 12th track (a bonus track, bizzarely) called "If I Had Wings" - which is 2nd only to Pride of Lions' "Letter to the Future" in my fave song of 2004 - and is sheer AOR heaven. "Shelter Me" is another fave, but there's hardly anything to dislike here. 8/10.

From: Bilboker Date: January 4, 2005 at 9:56
Solo oir la voz de Steve Overland ya hace que merezca la pena escuchar el disco. Si a esto le añadimos buenos temas, nos queda uno de los discos del año 2004. No es una obra maestra, pero para los tiempos que corren algo mas que destacable

From: Wotty Date: January 6, 2005 at 13:29
Competant musicians and Steve O's vocals.Nuff said !!!!

From: Date: February 4, 2005 at 19:01
Well, well, well, what a voice, where have I been???? I have just discovered the genius of Mr. Overland this year!!!! That tells you something, how did this man go unrecognized for so long? A mystery??? Shadowman is great hard rock with a touch of bluesy feel, just amazing. Standouts for me are number 12 that I am not sure is on all cds, a top contender for song of the year. Also, Medicine, Those Days, Touched by an Angel, Gypsy Heart, man, ALL OF THEM. Just an incredible album!

From: Swriter Date: February 4, 2005 at 19:14
forgot name, oops

From: Swriter Date: March 12, 2005 at 11:41
ok, again, I just discovered Steve cause I am in the States, and unfortunately, never heard him, in the past couple months, I have gotten everything possible with Steve on it, except when are the first two FM's going to be rereleased???? Shadowman goes a step above The Ladder for me, each song is just great and really great production, wonder why did the bonus song, If I had Wings, is a bonus, that is my fav tune on the cd!!!!!! If your version does not have this one,get it!!!!

From: swriter Date: August 9, 2005 at 16:11
ok, been about 5 months or so, I was new to Steve, so I got The Ladder and Shadowman, Shadowman without a doubt is the stronger of the two, some great songs,,Waiting, Count, Wings, Days, Angel, just hoping the new Shadowman will be as good, can't wait for that one!!!

From: spaniard Date: October 29, 2005 at 5:09
great aor.

From: HaremScarem Date: March 28, 2006 at 5:55
Un buen disco! A destacar el primer tema, impresionante! Sólo por eso y por escuchar a Steve Overland vale la pena. No sé si habréis escuchado lo nuevo de Overland, "SO!"... Para mí lo peor que ha hecho: sonido de pop rock moderno y más bien insulso... Quizá haya una canción interesante (aunque nada del otro mundo), que es la segunda, "Follow in your footsteps". Un mal disco; hemos perdido al verdadero Overland, la mejor voz del AOR junto a Mark Free y Terry Brock.

From: JF Date: March 28, 2006 at 19:09
So con un ultimo trabajo. Que han vuelto?. Que yo sepa sacaron un disco el 98 que llevaba por titulo brass monkey y no era rock moderno si no mas bien un tinte pop con algo de blues, no era nada del otro mundo pero tiene sus canciones. Sobre este disco otro buen trabajo de Mr.Overland no sera al nivel de los primeros disco de FM pero es mucho mejor que sus ultimos trabajos. Aunque claro el estilo esta mas orientado al blues por momentos.

From: HaremScarem Date: April 6, 2006 at 22:17
JF, a ese mismo disco me refería, "Brass Monkey"´, aunque creí que era más nuevo, pero es del 2001 por lo que he visto. Como dije, a mi me parece bastante insulso, aunque siempre se nota la calidad de los músicos, claro... Sin embargo, el tema de "Follow in your footsteps" me gusta cada vez más; una gran canción, la verdad. Steve Overland...¡qué grande!

From: JF Date: April 6, 2006 at 23:02
Me acuerdo que lei en el 98 una critica sobre el disco de So. Me parece que primero salio en Japon y la edicion del 2001 es europea. Hey Harem, que te parece la baladita This time. Para mi gusto no esta nada mal. Me acaba de llegar el ultimo de Jaded Heart y esta fenomenal. Saludos

From: lalorock Date: September 13, 2006 at 14:46
Buen disco, otro proyecto del gran Steve Overland,canciones con un estilo algo bluessy pero muy melódicos,la inicial Those days are gone excelente canción con tremendo gancho guitarero,medicine man con ese riff repetitivo y ala vez melódico,blues es la tercera touched by an angel, lenta y envolvente,todas canciones algo fuera de lo común del espectro aor pero muy melódicos,incluyen trompetas en el tema título,buenos solos de guitarra,Silver lining mi favorita llena de feeling,gran disco 8.5/10

From: Carlos A. Date: February 14, 2007 at 12:49
Yess Lalo un buen disco de sobrio AOR, mi favorita "Those Days Are Gone"... un disco muy melodico le falta fuerza y un tema descollante como para recordarlo siempre (dado que Overland tiene una voz privilegiada para el genero) ya quisiera que este disco se asemejara en algo al "fortune miracles" de The Ladder (mas rockero) porque pedir que se parezca a cualquiera de FM seria demasiado. de todos modos un buen disco VALIO EL INTENTO 8.5/10

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: February 15, 2007 at 12:36
Esta en algodon pero de alli a tener el Rating que tiene??? un disco de Rock melodico algo Rockerillo de AOR le veo poco algunos temas pero cruzado con Rock Melodico les falto magia muy blandengue e insulso para ser Steve mmf 7/10 un disco mas.

From: juan carlos Date: February 15, 2007 at 12:58
Para mí el Future Miracles de The Ladder(FM) está mejor que éste. Enraizado quizás con el blues y para mí la voz de Steve Overland no la hace en este estilo. De todas maneras buen disco para tenerlo. 7.7/10

From: Pee Dee Date: January 11, 2011 at 9:26
Beyond doubt, the most melodic, easy-on-the-ear of the 3 Shadowman entries. It's certainly the nearest-sounding to early FM. I just can't understand the low ratings???? I really do like this album.

From: 123charpenay Date: February 28, 2012 at 11:49
great a o r project,clear sound and good production but...nothing new under the sun.i never was a big fan of the steve overland s voice.after listen this cd s my feeling is the same.i have a problem with steve morris, the sound of his guitar is always,always the same in all bands and all project he plays.his guitar sound not hard not aor a little weird but very very very boring.if you are fan of heartland buy this record it sounds exactly like heartland.this album is a great record but not a priority in your collection.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: August 19, 2012 at 17:42
Nothing to do with the mighty FM(you might think of a closest sound because this is a Steve Overland side project,but hell no,totally FMless) this one recently and actually being my second SM release i might say that is not a bad album but somehow pretty normal to be honest with you all...most of the songs are kinda nice mid tempo ones...the best cut for me is the one that closes the album and happens to be the bonus track "If I Had Wings",then some other fine moments are "Medicine To Me","Touched By An Angel"(nice),"Gypsy Heart","Shelter Me"(nice),"Count Me Out"(nice,liked it)& "Silver Lining"...pleasant release...83/100

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